Any nurses needing books out there??

This email recently came through and I thought this could be a wonderful opportunity to borrow new and relevant titles in the field of nursing for any of those currently in school or brushing up on their skills.

There is a printable list of books if you follow the link listed below. Email follows:

In May, WIU was awarded a Back to Books Grant LSTA Grant through the Illinois State Library. The grant was titled Nursing Resources for a Rural Academic Library, we were awarded the maximum award of $5000. Eighty-five titles were purchased. Please take a look at the title that were purchased with Illinois state funds. These resources can be found searching through CARLI as well as through WorldCat. Please request any items that will be of use through ILL.
I created a LibGuide for this collection that offers a subject list, individual pages by subject that include the book cover and library location information with a link to our catalog and a printable list of the items purchased. Please share this with anyone that may be interested.

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